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So, there are a couple of things that I want to share beside the places we travelled to, the food we ate, the things we did, which is the whole idea behind travelling. When I was on this trip, this quite amusing thing strike my mind that why are we travelling? I mean definitely to see this wonderful beauty of nature but besides that what is the real reason that we want to spend so much money and time on this activity in our life. And I realized that it is not only about the places that we visit that...

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No matter what you do, where you live or which language you speak, there is one thing that is common among us all, which is Journey. Journey of life, work, relationships and myriad other things. But the way we go through that journey that’s what matter the most. I mean it does feel good when you achieve something but you know what feels even better than that? The process through which we have gone. The efforts that we have put in to achieve that goal. The journey before the journey. Ever since I was a little kid, I used to...

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So, as I have mentioned in some of my previous blogs as well, recently we decided to explore the beautiful province of Alberta. For the most part of the trip we travelled to the southern part of the province.   Day 1: We reached Calgary and as our flight was delayed it was already noon when we started our day. As soon as we landed we took our car rental and headed towards Banff so that we can cover some of the spots from our list on the first day. On the way to Banff, we stopped for a bit...

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